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This is the Anderson Forecast moblie app. This is an app that 5 other students and I designed. The app displays the economic data of California for the the years 2012 - 2015. The data was  given to us by the UCLA Anderson Forecast. There were many problems when creating the app. One problem was that the code for creating a data table was complicated and time consuming, but we problem solved and took a screen shot of the the information instead. This allowed us to save time and focus more on other features of the app.

To play pong scan or click the QR code.

This is the first app I created using app inventor. From this experience I learned various things. For example, I learned how to make buttons work, make a score, make a false statement, a true statement, ect. The most important thing I learned is that when you code there no room for error, because one error can be the difference between your app working and not working. 
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